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Source: Pexel by Mikoto |
Have you ever asked yourself why some people ignore you or look down upon you? Is it because you wronged them? You have their debt? You have nothing to offer to them? Find out here.
I know we all encountered such things. We all have people who look down upon us and ignore us. They treat us like we are nothing to them. This is usually so painful. Especially when you find out the people you mostly care about are the ones treating you in such a way. They may not say that to you directly. Their actions will justify how they take you. I'm not saying that all people will ignore you, it is in the nature of human beings. Pride is in them. We all have it. It reveals it's self in our own actions.
You and I cannot run from pride. We have people who hide it completely. They will never reveal it before people. They might look down upon people but they won't show that they do. You will find them distant themselves from people and living their own lives. So, in this life don't expect everyone to like you and view you as an important person. People have different ways in which they view you. You just have to appreciate that we will look valuable in some people's eyes and worthless in others.
Anyway that was not the point. I just wanted to let you know that people are not the same. So, don't expect to be at the same level at each and everyone's eye. Let me give some of the reasons why some people may be ignoring you. I know you may have so many questions about why this is happening to you.
People may be ignoring because it is their nature. Yes! That's it. Some people have a high view of themselves. They find themselves more important than others. This may be due to different factors. Let me outline them. People who find themselves rich and powerful always have this tendency of looking down other folks who are below their status. This is because they feel the people who are below their status cannot help them in any way.
Another reason may be due to the fact that the person feels he or she is more educated than others. These folks who know that they have acquired degrees, masters and even PHDs they look down upon people who are below them. Deep down in their hearts they say,
"How can I listen to this guy who has a low level of education? I'm educated, I'm a person with my papers and certificates of every field. Listening to this loser won't help me in any way,"
Other people may ignore you based on appearance differences, ethnicity, race and even backgrounds. If you are a person from a family of a poor background people may ignore anything you say to them. They feel if you are from a poor background everything thing that you will do or say will be based on your background, so why should they listen to you or follow your opinions.
In our community we all know we have ethical issues. We know that people from certain ethnic groups are superior than the others. I want to tell this is not true. The superiority of a person depends on his own choice of lifestyle. The things that one chooses to associate himself or herself with. Other people don't get this right. They ignore and look down upon people from certain ethnic groups and praise others. I hope from the few points I have given you, you now understand why people may ignore you.
Race issues have been there for so long. We all know what is going on in this world right now. Race segregation is still a topic of the world. If we look at the case of George Floyd who was murdered by a cop. This lead to something so huge. Strike that disrupted everything in USA. The point that I'm trying to bring forward here is that people may ignore you due to your race.
People may ignore you due to your sexuality. We all know that everyone chooses the kind of lifestyle he or she wants to live in. We have people who chose to be gays and others lesbians. We all have people who don't appreciate this though they know it does exist in our communities. Such kind of people will always ignore people who chose to be based on a certain sexuality. So, check yourself. Check the group of people you associate with are they so inquisitive on the type of sexuality you chose to be?
People may ignore based on your past mistakes. We all have our past. We have some that are marvelous while others are so full of blames and regrets. Some folks may look down upon you due to the actions that you committed ten years ago. They use your past mistakes to keep you away and despise you. For instance, if you accidentally killed someone, when you come forward with an opinion of security in your community do you think people will listen to you? People will ignore you and look down upon any opinion you will bring forward.
People may ignore you because they just hate you for no reason. We have such kind of people within us. They just hate you for being who you are. Don't be surprised. Such kind of people do exist. The way you handle your life issues people just hate it. It is not that you did anything bad to them or offended them in anyway. They just hate you for no reason. These people can do anything to make your life harder. If their ways of harming you won't succeed, what they will do do is to ignore you and look down upon any move made for their benefit.
People may ignore you because you are better than them and they cannot beat you down in any way. This is another reason why people may ignore you. You may be a head of them at every step of your life. Everything that you do succeeds with colourful results and your life goes so smoothly. Some people hate this. They hate the success you obtain. Since they can't afford to get what you have all they will do is to ignore you.
To conclude, you have to know that not everyone will like you. We have people who it is in their nature to look down upon you. People who feel they are better than others are always there and these people will always ignore you. So, don't focus to much and harm yourself on seeking their attention. Life is to shot to life on other's influence.
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