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5 Reasons why we should keep our Families and Friends Close.
Families and friends show us a sense of belonging. It’s through them where we can identify where we came from. So, it’s very crucial to keep them close no matter what. In this article I’m going to share with you the reasons why we should keep our families and friends close.
Families are the collective people we live with under one roof. They may include your parents, siblings and workers. We have families who have employed workers to work in their house these workers may also be considered as a part of the family.
Friends—these are the people you meet in your social life who have always been there for you. You may not be sharing the common ancestors but you may be more to each other than even brothers and sisters. In most cases friends we meet usually have the same goals we pursue in our lives.
We all know that these are the closest people in our lives. Our lives are always surrounded by them. That is why it’s very important to make sure your relationship between you and them stays tight. Without wasting time, let me go direct to the point and share with you why it’s important to keep our families and friends close.
1. They know who we are.
Families and friends know everything about us. We can hide things to the world even pretend to be someone else but deep down your families and friends know who you are. If somebody who knows who you are, you should keep that person close, because he/she is the only one who has the ability to help in any situation that you might end up to be in. That person has the ability to stand before a crowd and color your name with amazing colors. The same person has the ability to ruin your life without you even noticing it.
You have to be so close to your family. In most circumstances people were raised by their families. There is nothing that you can hide from them. They know your weakest point in life and even the most embarrassing part of your deeds. They carry your entire burden and keep with them without using that information in a negative way. They know when you are happy and when you are sad too. It’s really hard to hide anything from them. If you have people around you who know everything about you, these are the only people who can identify what’s best for your life. They can guide you since everything about you is open to them.
The friends on the other side are the silver-people—very important people you met outside your house. You met them and you got to know who they are. Let me say you got connected with them because you all had the same agendas in your lives. We have some of the things that you knew when you were outside of your house and you found them so sensitive even to reveal before your families. The only person you revealed them to was your closest friend. So, your friends know the other side of your life too. They have much knowledge about you.
This is the reason why we should always keep them close to us no matter the challenges we face in our lives.
2. They are there for us when we are stranded.
These are the only people who are always there for us. Whenever we need any kind of help they will never fail to offer their support. This is another reason why we should always keep them close.
Family is the source of who you are right now. If it would have not been for them your life would be so much different. They raised and cater for your needs. They made sure you have everything you wanted. They paid your school fees, gave you shelter and food. Don’t say that it was their responsibilities. They had a choice to dump you away at the hands of foster parents or drop you in any orphanage far away from where you were born. Who would have noticed that?
I know we have all have heard a situation where by a parent gave birth to a kid and she threw him or her away. So, you are lucky enough you still had your family to take care of you while you were an infant be thankful for that. I know we have circumstances where your family wasn’t able to get you want you want because of the financial crisis but they still stood by you to help you in whatever way they could. This reason is enough for you to stick around them.
For those who keep saying that their parents abandoned them while they were very young. Don’t look too much on the negative side of them. By now, you all know that no one is perfect. Be thankful that they gave you a life which they had the capability of taking it away.
Friends are the second group of people who are always there for you whenever your family is far away from you. They play a great part in our life changes. That’s why it’s very important to keep them close. These are the people who will always be there for you. They all care about your our happiness. These people can do anything at their power to help you in any way they can. Whenever you call out for help they will always be there to give you a push.
“Trouble is a sieve through which we sift our acquaintances. Those too big to pass through are our friends” _Arlene Francis
Think about the quote of Arlen Francis and think of the miles your friends walked for you. That is a good reason for you to always keep them close.
3. Through them you get your identity.
Let me start with family. We all know that in most cases we have names that came from our families. Whenever someone wants to identify who you are he/she will have to look on your family’s name. That is according to the names. We also have some features and characteristics that can only be from your family. These traits that you have, some may have only originated from your family. That is another thing that gives you your identity. Some of these behaviors that we inherited from our families will never change. They keep on reminding us who we are. You may decide to walk far away from your family but you will eventually look for them.
Sense of belonging is very important to any human being. People without families are willing to do anything to have their families back. Anyway you will never know what you had until you lose a grip of it. That is why it’s very important to keep our families and friends close, they do mean a lot to us.
We have those who have never had any families. The good thing is that they got friends at the far end. Acquaintances can also give you your identity. You will know yourself by better with the people you choose to involve yourself with. It’s important to choose our friends wisely because they will not be people we spend our time with but also the people who are going to show us the kind of people we are. This is another reason we should know why we must keep them close to us.
4. They give us a purpose of our lives.
We all live to fight for something. Everyone has his or her own reason for doing the things that he or she is doing today. Everything that we fight for is for the people we love and care about. These people are our families and friends. The fight that we choose to involve ourselves in gives us our purpose in this life. The purpose of us living and working to make the people we care about happy and comfortable keep us on a straight path. This is the only thing that keeps us away from going astray.
Whenever we do something, we do it for the people we love. The struggles that we go through no matter how hard they might be they give us a clear purpose on our existence. So, keeping your families and friends far will do nothing good but keeping you from your determination. We need them close because they give us every reason to turn everything up and down so that to shape our lives in a better figure.
A person living without a purpose is like a traveler without a specific destination. The traveler will never reach where he or she goes but keep on roaming. With our families and friends we get a destination, a place to lay our heads when we have nowhere to turn to, a place we get our consolation. That is a reason enough to keep these people close to us. Try so harder never to allow any issue to separate you or distant you from your families and friends.
5. Our happiness branch from them too.
Our happiness branch from our families and friends; take your time think of the moments you spent with your families. Think of the mornings and evenings you were around them. Think of the things you did together. The fights and arguments you had with your families. You will notice that a very big part of your happiness is from them. No matter how bad your family might have been for you but there will always a part of it that makes you happy whenever you think about them.
I can relate to that. Right now, I’m so far away from them but I really miss every kind of activities I did with them. I miss their smiles and hugs. Though, sometimes they were annoying but that part now doesn’t matter to me at all. All that I can see from them is the good times we had together. When I’m so low, thinking about them elevates my moods and makes me super excited.
Now, figure out yourself that you no longer have an access to them. The memories you had with them will just remain to be dull. You will have no ability to rekindle them. They will continue to be the same until they fade away—leaving your head blank with no memories of them thus driving away your happiness.
“Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” _George Burns
Friends are other groups of people who we spend most of our times with. This means that our happiness is also branched from them. Think of the happiest memories of your life, who do you mostly figure yourself with? In my case my happiest moments are associated with the friends I have. The long trips we had with them together. The beaches we went together and relaxed at the sea shore listening to music while sharing our happiest and saddest memories together. The photos we took while walking by the road side. We would spend hours taking photos but only few photos would be left in our phones.
A huge part of my life is occupied by them. This is a good reason for me to keep them close no matter the circumstances. I do agree sometimes friends do get into fights and they end up splitting. This doesn’t mean you have to keep them far away from you. Get close to them work your issues out and keep close to each other. Sometimes people let their ego drive them; this can cost you your relationship. Be humble and apologize to them, you really do need them as they do need you.
For the families—keep your connection with them. They are the people who know who you are deeply and they can guide you on anything that defines your life. No matter the problems between you and them try all you can to keep them close. Share this with the people you love, for them to know the importance of keeping families and friends close.
Do you know any other reason why we should keep our families and friends close? Leave your comment below.
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